4 January 2014

Oh Hello 2014!

For me, 2013 was quite a year!  Full of big accomplishments (finishing Masters thesis!), big changes (moving back to Toronto) and big adventures (trip to Vietnam and Cambodia).  It was a year I mostly wished away (see 'finishing Masters thesis'), so it seems to have flashed by.  While I'm definitely looking forward to 2014, the changes in my life that occurred in 2013 have allowed me to become a more relaxed and engaged person.

Last year, before New Years Eve, I put it out to the universe that 2013 was going to be a good year, and indeed it was.  So this year, I'm putting my intentions for 2014 into writing.  I feel that 2013 was about major life changes, so this year is about all those small things that bring joy to the every day.

So here goes, my hopes for 2014:
  1.  Slow down
  2. Read more and watch less TV
  3. Put on a photography show
  4. Finish more creative projects
  5. Have more dinner parties
  6. Be a more thoughtful, supportive friend
  7. Lose 10 lbs
  8. Do more weekend adventures
  9. Become more politically aware
  10. Fall in love
I wish you all an amazing year ahead!!