21 December 2014

A visit to Artscape Youngplace

This weekend I was part of a fun photo shoot for my friend Keri's website for her new Pilates/Yoga studio, Muse Movement, opening January 3rd, 2015!! Her beautiful, light-filled space is in an old classroom in the Artscape Youngplace building, previously Shaw Street School. It was great to check out the creative hub, whose design team was led by Teeple Architects. A fantastic example of adaptive reuse, it has some great quirky design features, creating a playful space, full of artists, musicians and cultural organisations. Plus it has a Coffee Pub cafe, which I love! Here are a few of my favourite photos from my visit.

(Artist work in photos, from top to bottom: Alicia Nauta, Keith Jones, and Joanna Schleimer.)

21 October 2014

Rise and Shine, Sleepy Head! (or Learning How to be a Morning Person)

Mornings are not my jam!  No matter how hard I try, I'm always begrudgingly pulling myself out of bed 15 minutes before I have to leave the house for work, usually throwing my whole day off kilter.  The only benefit is I've mastered the 2 minute make-up routine (although probably not as well as I think!)

I like to pretend it's not really my fault.  I've always had energy problems, from low iron, B12 and thyroid, so it's easy to hit that snooze button one more time and put the blame somewhere else.  Along with general healthy well-being, getting a good nights sleep helps with productivity and happiness, amongst many other perks.  I hate how rushed and unsettled I feel in the morning, never having time to make a lunch, let alone a cup of coffee.  So along with the health and focus benefits of being well rested, being able to prepare for the day means I could save myself some money along the way as well.

Here is some research I've found on getting enough sleep and the effects of a good morning routine:
  • Arianna Huffington talks about how to succeed (Hint: get more sleep!).
  • Jeff Iliff shares the effects of sleep and the brains ability to receive and rid itself of essential nutrients.
  • Leo Babauta extols the virtues of rising early, and shares some tips on how to do it.
And here are some strategies and routines I want to try to put into place:
 Who knows, maybe this will make a morning person out of me yet!

(Image from here)

4 January 2014

Oh Hello 2014!

For me, 2013 was quite a year!  Full of big accomplishments (finishing Masters thesis!), big changes (moving back to Toronto) and big adventures (trip to Vietnam and Cambodia).  It was a year I mostly wished away (see 'finishing Masters thesis'), so it seems to have flashed by.  While I'm definitely looking forward to 2014, the changes in my life that occurred in 2013 have allowed me to become a more relaxed and engaged person.

Last year, before New Years Eve, I put it out to the universe that 2013 was going to be a good year, and indeed it was.  So this year, I'm putting my intentions for 2014 into writing.  I feel that 2013 was about major life changes, so this year is about all those small things that bring joy to the every day.

So here goes, my hopes for 2014:
  1.  Slow down
  2. Read more and watch less TV
  3. Put on a photography show
  4. Finish more creative projects
  5. Have more dinner parties
  6. Be a more thoughtful, supportive friend
  7. Lose 10 lbs
  8. Do more weekend adventures
  9. Become more politically aware
  10. Fall in love
I wish you all an amazing year ahead!!